

来源:继续教育 2023-05-31 10:17:58 点击数:




  1. The book is written so that a reader will benefit in a future _____with a work of art.

  A. conflict B. investment C. encounter D. evaluation

  2. We had better move forward, for it will not do us any good to _____the past .

  A. dwell on B. shrug off C. live on D. single out.

  3. Can you list a few problems likely to _______the human race in the next few decades?

  A. occupy B. frustrate C. confront D. fracture

  4. They will give presentations on those aspects of engineering that are having an _____on the development of military equipment.

  A. impact B. application C. indication D. intent

  5. The new project designed to create more jobs for the laid-off has been _____quietly and without fuss.

  A. established B. criticized C. applauded D. launched

  6. During the talks both sides agreed to _____possible areas of co-operation.

  A. undo B. conclude C. explore D. register

  7. These schools come under the supervision of locally _____committees.

  A. rotated B. consisted C. composed D. appointed

  8. Andrew was determined to ________a computer career after graduation.

  A. shave B. apply C. select D. pursue

  9. The body cannot store vitamin C so it is ______to have a fresh supply every day.

  A. visible B. essential C. ultimate D. profound

  10.If you love plants, the chances are you buy them on ____and then wonder where to put them.

  A. cue B. display C. impulse D. purpose

  11. The spending cuts made it impossible to fill the posts left _____by retired teachers.

  A. depressed B. jealous C. vacant D. dissatisfied

  12. Susan is never know to be prompted to follow fashions, however attractive they may seem .

  A. granted B. prompted C. addicted D. tempted

  13. _____to miss the lectures on Sunday, I had to cut short the visit and came back on Saturday.

  A. Emotional B. Reluctant C. Spontaneous D. Mysterious

  14. Edward had done extremely well in the entrance examinations, which convinced his father that he was______ financial support.

  A. capable of B. short of C. sure of D. worthy of

  15. Our firm can help you ______ a scheme to meet your needs in the most cost-effective way.

  A. devise B. resolve C. extend D. appreciate

  16. They stood in the rain for two hours, but they ________for Mr. Ying, because he didn't come at all.

  A mustn't have waited B may not have waited

  C can't have waited D needn't have waited

  17. The girl ____________ left him a few weeks ago.

  A he fell in love with B whom he fell in love

  C that he fell in love D with who he fell in love

  18. ____________ I arrived in South Africa, I was struck by the very great difference in the atmosphere of the country.

  A Since the moment B During the time

  C By that time D From the moment

  19. An object remains still or in a straight line motion _____a force acts upon it.

  A unless B because C when D if

  20. There was a good harvest last year, ____________, rice was rather cheap.

  A furthermore B therefore C but D however

  21. Such problems ____________ air and water pollution have no limited boundaries.

  A like B about C as D like

  22. Tom ____________ the manager this afternoon, but he forgot.

  A should have telephoned B could telephone

  C must have telephoned D might telephone

  23. Either the plant or the flowers will lose ____________ freshness.

  A his B its C theirs D their

  24. New medicines are usually tested on animals _______ being tried on human beings.

  A after B before C for D when

  25. Mr. Johnson suggested ____________ before details are discussed.

  A not to draw a conclusion B should not draw a conclusion

  C to draw not a conclusion D not drawing a conclusion

  26. The host had no sooner opened the door ________he saw a dark figure behind it.

  A before B after C when D than

  27. No machines ________have been invented by man are perfect enough to bring about

  only advantages to us.

  A that B than C since D which

  28. The woman admitted, after being questioned for several hours, __________someone

  else's credit card.

  A to use B having used C to have used D uses

  29. We often do not get the cooperation we want because we believe that cooperation is given rather than ____________ .

  A earned B to be earned C to be earning D earning

  30. The reason why he sends her a gift immediately is ____________ if he doesn't.

  A because she will have disappointed B that she will be disappointed

  C because she will be disappointed D that she will disappoint


  1-5 C A B A D 6-10 C D D B C

  11-15 C C B D A 16-20 D A D A B

  21-25 C A D B D 26-30 D A B A B






